Hey, there! I’m Jessica!

I’m so happy that you’ve made your way to my website! It’s an honor to have you here!

Suppose I should start off by telling you a little bit about myself. I’m Jessica, if. you missed it in big bold letters, and I’m the face behind Punchy Pony Productions. I started photography just for fun in November of 2019. I was a college freshman and Just really felt like I needed another hobby. But, it didn’t stay just a hobby for long. After a few short months of strictly shooting portraits, I decided to bring my camera to one of my family member’s high school rodeos. I grew up competing in youth rodeo, and I was honestly feeling a little lost no longer competing in them. 
Needless to say, once I got my first taste of action photography, I was hooked. I spent the rest of 2020 sitting in my room watching YouTube videos and trying to learn as much as I could before the next show. As fate would have it, the local rodeo photographer for my area had retired around the same time I decided to get more serious about photography. I was able to step in right away as the official photographer for the Mississippi High School and Junior High Rodeo Association. 

Now, I spend just about every weekend at a rodeo or barrel race having the time of my life. I've been able to travel all across the country, meet some amazing competitors, and make lifelong connections. I'm feel so happy that on that random Tuesday in Chemisty 101 I decided to hop on Amazon and buy my first camera. This job has taken me on so many amazing adventures, and I hope in some way you will get to be apart of them. 

Thanks for stopping in and hanging out with me!