Video Content To Make You Stand Out Online

With the rise of social media has also come a rise in the demand for video content on these platforms. Professional video content is one of the best ways to capture your audience and create an engaging community online.

Don’t believe me? I posted video content consistently for 9 months and grew my account from 10,000 followers to 100,000. Still don’t believe me? I stopped posting video content and swapped back to strict photography and dropped 20,000 followers. To put it simply, posting photos doesn’t cut it anymore.

Some quick stats:

  • Video content averages 134% more engagement vs. photos.

  • 90% of companies have changed their marketing campaigns to focus primarily on video content.

  • The majority of social media platforms promote users who post videos vs photos

  • Video content is able to easily be monetized on many platforms

  • 80% of viewers claim they prefer short-form video content.

All of that mumbo-jumbo to say, videos are cool. Not looking to be the next big influencer? That’s alright, too.